Spinach and Apple Salad with Crispy Almonds
I make this salad pretty regularly as a side salad for just about anything; it's super-easy to make, and the ingredients keep a long time (except for the spinach, of course), so it's easy to whip up if you want to add some greens to a meal. It's also delicious, and a little unexpected
Ham and Gruyère Quiche (Crustless)
I came up with this Ham and Gruyère quiche as a way to use up the leftover baked ham from our Festive Dinner; it turns out that it's absolutely delicious, whether you eat it the day you make it or reheat it the next day.
Fresh Pasta – Pasta Fresca all’uovo
I’ve been wanting to learn to make fresh pasta for quite a few years; I did make an attempt at it a while back, when I was replicating historical recipes (something I’m still really interested in). I found rolling the dough out with a rolling pin didn’t really work for me – I either didn’t have the upper body strength or the patience to get the thinness I was looking for. I’ve waffled on buying a pasta machine, because they’re a bit pricey and I’m not a fan of having kitchen gadgets take up space unless they’re really getting used. But then a friend lent theirs to me, and I’m…
Cinnamon Rolls
This recipe for cinnamon rolls was originally written to be made with a standing mixer and a dough hook, but I’ve altered it. since I don’t have one. The only real difference is that it may take a but of muscle to get the dough ingredients combined (and of course, I got impatient, as I do, and got my hands into it to mix it thoroughly). I know that standing mixers have been The Thing for Serious Home Cooks for a long time now, but they’re expensive, and while I’m sure I’d get some use out of one, I mostly view them as a dust-catching status symbol that takes up…
Shrimp & Bacon Fettuccine
This Shrimp & Bacon recipe has been a staple dinner of mine for a few years now; I love it because it's really simple to make, really delicious, and it always feels a bit indulgent and celebratory.
Chicken and Rice Soup
I love this Chicken and Rice Soup, which was suggested to me by a friend on Twitter after I was given a giant bag of rice last year. But the way the original recipe was formatted and written at Bon Appetit (with autoplay video links, ugh!) made me crazy. So I’ve re-written it with some small changes (I hate kale, so I sub in spinach). I find the soup base itself a nice substantial chicken soup, but the garlic oil makes it addictive, and I always double that part of the recipe, at least. The rice does sometimes break down into mush, but I don’t mind that – it just…
Pecan Pie
I made this for a friend’s birthday, and he said it was “the best pecan pie he’s ever had,” which is exactly the kind of response you want when you bake something for someone. It’s both the first one I’ve ever baked and the first one I’ve ever eaten, but I know I’ll be making it again, because it’s always good to play the hits. Pecan Pie Ingredients Directions Based on Epicurious’ Old-Fashioned Pecan Pie recipe with alterations.
2020: Fuck it, Forget it, and Forge ahead
My annual year-end post, somewhat subdued in comparison to other years.
Short Rib-Stuffed Agnolotti del Plin
Tools Ingredients Pasta dough Roasted Braised Short Ribs Pasta Filling Pasta Sauce Method Day One Roasted Short Ribs Pasta Dough Day Two Roasted Short Ribs The Filling Pasta Filling the pasta Cooking the finished pasta Alexi Chatzilias tenant
Christmas Recipes from the House of Shaw
Festive recipes from our family gatherings
Poulet en cocotte (Roast Chicken in a Pot)
Like many people, I spent this Thanksgiving apart from my family due to the pandemic. I’d had a rough week for a whole bunch of reasons, and was feeling really sad about missing out; cooking a big feast with and for people I love is one of my favourite things. But we decided we’d eat together over video chat, so I went ahead and made up a whole dinner like I’d do at home, though on a smaller scale – pumpkin pie, stuffing, melting potatoes, spinach salad with macintosh apples and sliced almonds, and instead of a turkey, a lovely roast chicken. Roasting a chicken is pretty straightforward, and I’ve…
Candace’s Monthly Relationship Checklist
Relationships are challenging; This monthly relationship checklist helps you identify issues early on, before they become fraught
Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon
A comfort food based on roasted brussels sprouts, with caramelized onions, bacon, and a lovely vinaigrette - it's quick, easy, and delicious!
Finishing the Camino – Santiago de Compostela
Finishing the Camino in Santiago - we visited the shrine of St. James, and gave the saint a hug before taking in the pilgrim's mass; then on to Porto!
Camino Day 12 – Padron to Santiago
Camino Day 12 - Padron to Santiago - a day that started off great, but was derailed a bit by dehydration, but then finished at our goal - Santiago!
Camino Day 11 – Caldas des Reies to Padrón
Camino Day 11 - Caldas des Reies to Padrón - a beautiful day with a little rain, a friendly church, a laundromat victory, and a feast of Galician cheeses!
Camino Day 10 – Pontevedra to Caldas des Reies
Camino Day 10 - Pontevedra to Calda des Reies - a day of sun and showers, and highs and lows, and beautiful healing hot springs.
Camino Day 9 – Redondela to Pontevedra
7.5 hours walking, 23.4 km walked A little later than everyone else in the hostel, we got up and hoisted urpacks on our backs for 7:30am, two bleary-eyed peregrinas making a stop at the lovely O Cafe a Vila, for a coffee and whatever that cakey thing is. I wish we could’ve stayed longer, but the road was calling, and so after about 20 minutes in the nicest cafe, we got on our way. The top middle picture is a lavanderia, spots built in every village so that women could gather to wash clothes in the time before most houses locally had running water. They’re mostly deserted now, except for…
Camino Day 8 – Porrino to Redondela
6 hours walking, 17.6 km walked(Walking times includes stops for meals and breaks) Because we both got a pretty good night’s sleep for a change, we had a bit of a slow start, stopping a block away from the albergue for a quick coffee and croissant at Restaurante Paso a Nivel, a place whose main recommendation was that it was open, but which turned out to be pretty good. Getting on the road around 8am, we’d only been walking about an hour when we hit another milestone – the Camino waymarker that tell you you have less than 100 km to go before Santiago. The next stages are the most…
Camino Day 7 – Tui to Porriño
5 hours walking, 19.8 km walked(Walking times includes stops for meals and breaks) Getting up as dawn was breaking over Tui, we took a few minutes as we were gathering our (mostly dry) laundry and getting ready to go back on the road to take in the beauty of this albergue and the views around it. I really love this little courtyard; we’d sat on the stone bench the night before, watching the barn swallows swoop and dive in and out of their nests in the eves of the neighbouring cathedral. As we set out, the sunrise over the Minho lit everything in a golden glow. Breakfast – coffee, fresh-squeezed…